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Hello there! I'm a creative Detroit based graphic designer and graduate from the College for Creative Studies. Please enjoy this archive of design work, process, thoughts and experiences. If you want to further connect please email me at Thanks for viewing!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tie it 'round

This project was to create a unique timeline from a chosen theme, mine was, “Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree.” I created an Illustrated and digital timeline. The digital timeline comprised of a process where all the numbers for the dates were created out of yellow ribbon, and to reference this I designed the title to reflect ribbons also.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Plant With Purpose Campaign

This is a campaign created for the non-profit international tree-planting organization Plant With Purpose; we had to create a series of six postcards, an event poster, a thank-you package and a website. The purpose of these materials is to spread awareness about the rural poor in countries like Haiti, Tanzania and Mexico. It is also a call to action on the viewers part to help out in anyway they can to further the mission to help grow these communities by planting trees.


Planting Hope Gala Poster

Awareness Thank-you Package
